Tuesday, January 28, 2020
The Ecology Environment And Tourism Tourism Essay
The Ecology Environment And Tourism Tourism Essay Today, tourism is one of the largest and dynamically developing sectors of external economic activities. Its high growth and development rates, considerable volumes of foreign currency inflows, infrastructure development, and introduction of new management and educational experience actively affect various sectors of economy, which positively contribute to the social and economic development of the country as a whole. Most highly developed western countries, such as Austria, Italy, and Switzerland have accumulated a big deal of their social and economic welfare on profits from tourism. According to recent statistics, tourism provides about 10% of the worlds income and employs almost one tenth of the worlds workforce. All considered, tourisms actual and potential economic impact is astounding. Many people emphasize the positive aspects of tourism as a source of foreign exchange, a way to balance foreign trade, an industry without chimney In short, manna from heaven. But there are also a number of other positive and negative sides of tourisms economic boom for local communities, which not always considered by advocates of tourism perspectives. Therefore in this paper I will consider the main social and environment impacts of tourism at the country level. Travel and tourism does not necessarily involve travelling abroad. Much tourism takes place within peoples home country, on visits to attractions, city breaks, trips to business meetings, sports events or concerts, and visits to friends and relatives (abbreviated as VFR). There are three main types of tourism: domestic tourism, incoming or inbound tourism and outbound tourism. According to World Tourism Organisation (WTO) affiliated to the United Nations and recognised as the leading international body on global tourism tourism is defined as: The activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes. World Tourism Organisation, 1993 Domestic Tourism: This is when people take holidays, short breaks and day trips in their own country. Examples would be: A couple taking a weekend break in their own country; A family visiting relations in another part of the country, even if they live only a few miles away. Incoming / Inbound Tourism: This describes people entering the country in question from their home country, so it is a type of international tourism. Examples could be: A group of Chinese visitors coming to Egypt on a recreational trip; Teams from different countries entering a country for an international event, such as the Olympic Games; Outbound Tourism: This term applies when people travel away from their home country to visit other international countries for leisure or business. Examples of this could be: Business people from the India travelling to Germany to visit a major exhibition; A day tripper from southern Malaysia visiting Singapore. It is possible to divide the components of the travel and tourism industry into six key areas, as represented in the Figure below, IMPACTS OF TOURISM Tourism has three major impacts namely, Socio-cultural, environmental and economic impacts. SOCIO-CULTURAL IMPACT OF TOURISM Tourism may have many different effects on the social and cultural aspects of life in a particular region or area, depending on the cultural and religious strengths of that region. The interaction between tourists and the host community can be one of the factors that may affect a community as tourist may not be sensitive to local customs, traditions and standards. The effect can be positive or negative on the host community. Positive impacts on an area include benefits such as: Local community can mix with people from diverse backgrounds with different lifestyles which through demonstration effect may lead to the development of improved lifestyles and practices from the tourists examples. There can be an improvement in local life through better local facilities and infrastructure (developed to sustain tourism) which could lead to better education, health care, employment opportunities and income. More cultural and social events available for local people such as entertainment, exhibitions etc. Conservation of local and cultural heritage of an area and rebirth of its crafts, architectural traditions and ancestral heritage; Urban areas which may be in decline can be revived and the movement of people from rural areas to urban areas for employment may be reversed as jobs will be available in the tourism industry. Dubai is an ideal example of a tourist destination which has reaped the benefits of the positive impact of development, on the socio-cultural aspects of in the country. As noticed, considerable financial investment by both public and private sectors has resulted in development of the existing infrastructure and to job creation. Archaeological and heritage sites have been preserved, and local traditions are maintained. The hospitable culture of the Arab world and acceptance of others lifestyles implying that tourists are welcomed but do not threaten existing ways of life. However, tourism may have negative effects on an area, such as, Existing infrastructure (roads, railways, health care provision) may not be able to cope with the greater stress created by influx of people by tourism. Local populations activities and lifestyles may suffer intrusion from tourists leading to resentment towards tourists. The local population may copy lifestyles of tourists through the demonstration effect and the result could be loss to local customs and traditions as well as standards of behaviour. Increased crime could develop through decline in moral values, leading to greed and jealousy of wealthier visitors. Traditional industries may be lost and local goods substituted by imported and mass-produced goods which lack authenticity but appeal to a mass market. Tourists may act in an anti-social manner which could cause offence to the local population. Unless sufficient information is provided by the host nation and tourist providers on the standards of behaviour expected in that area, local populations come to resent tourists and act aggressively towards them. Language barriers between the tourist and the host community which may create communication problems. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF TOURISM Negative impacts from tourism occur when the level of visitor use is greater than the environments ability to cope with this use within the acceptable limits of change. Uncontrolled conventional tourism poses potential threats to many natural areas around the world. It can put enormous pressure on an area and lead to impacts such as soil erosion, increased pollution, discharges into the sea, natural habitat loss, increased pressure on endangered species and heightened vulnerability to forest fires. It often puts a strain on water resources, and it can force local populations to compete for the use of critical resources. The quality of the environment, both natural and man-made, is essential to tourism. However, tourisms relationship with the environment is complex. It involves many activities that can have adverse environmental effects. The negative impacts of tourism development can gradually destroy the environmental resources on which it depends. On the other hand, tourism has the potential to create beneficial effects on the environment by contributing to environmental protection and conservation. It is a way to raise awareness of environmental values and it can serve as a tool to finance protection of natural areas and increase their economic importance. Direct impact on natural resources, both renewable and non-renewable, in the provision of tourist facilities can be caused by the use of land for accommodation and other infrastructure provision, and the use of building materials. Water, and especially fresh water, is one of the most critical natural resources. The tourism industry generally overuses water resources for hotels, swimming pools, golf courses and personal use of water by tourists. This can result in water shortages and degradation of water supplies, as well as generating a greater volume of waste water. Forests often suffer negative impacts of tourism in the form of deforestation caused by fuel wood collection and land clearing. For example, one trekking tourist in Nepal and area already suffering the effects of deforestation can use four to five kilograms of wood a day. In areas with high concentrations of tourist activities and appealing natural attractions, waste disposal is a serious problem and improper disposal can be a major despoiler of the natural environment rivers, scenic areas, and roadsides. Solid waste and littering can degrade the physical appearance of the water and shoreline and cause the death of marine animals. Construction of ski resort accommodation and facilities frequently requires clearing forested land. Coastal wetlands are often drained and filled due to lack of more suitable sites for construction of tourism facilities and infrastructure. These activities can cause severe disturbance and erosion of the local ecosystem, even destruction in the long term. Source: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), 2001 ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF TOURISM Tourisms economic benefits are touted by the industry for a variety of reasons. Claims of tourisms economic significance give the industry greater respect among the business community, public officials, and the public in general. This often translates into decisions or public policies that are favourable to tourism. Community support is important for tourism, as it is an activity that affects the entire community. Tourism businesses depend extensively on each other as well as on other businesses, government and residents of the local community. Economic benefits and costs of tourism reach virtually everyone in the region in one way or another. Economic impact analyses provide tangible estimates of these economic interdependencies and a better understanding of the role and importance of tourism in a regions economy. Tourism activity also involves economic costs, including the direct costs incurred by tourism businesses, government costs for infrastructure to better serve tourists, as well as congestion and related costs borne by individuals in the community. Community decisions over tourism often involve debates between industry proponents touting tourisms economic impacts (benefits) and detractors emphasizing tourisms costs. Sound decisions rest on a balanced and objective assessment of both benefits and costs and an understanding of who benefits from tourism and who pays for it. Tourisms economic impacts are therefore an important consideration in state, regional and community planning and economic development. Economic impacts are also important factors in marketing and management decisions. Communities therefore need to understand the relative importance of tourism to their region, including tourisms contribution to economic activity in the area. A variety of methods, ranging from pure guesswork to complex mathematical models, are used to estimate tourisms economic impacts. Studies vary extensively in quality and accuracy, as well as which aspects of tourism are included. Technical reports often are filled with economic terms and methods that non-economists do not understand. On the other hand, media coverage of these studies tend to oversimplify and frequently misinterpret the results, leaving decision makers and the general public with a sometimes distorted and incomplete understanding of tourisms economic effects. Tourism has a variety of economic impacts. Tourists contribute to a destinations sales, profits, jobs, tax revenues, and income. Primary tourism sectors, such as lodging, dining, transportation, amusements, and retail trade, are affected directly: most other sectors are impacted by secondary effects. An economic impact analysis of tourism activity usually focuses on regional tourism-related changes in sales, income, and employment. A standard economic impact analysis traces the path that money takes once it leaves a tourists pocket: this is also referred to as the flows of money from tourism spending. The first flow, (direct effect), is to the businesses and government agencies to which the tourists pay money directly. The money then flows through the economy as: Payments from these direct recipients to their suppliers, Salaries and wages for households who provide labour for tourism or supporting industries, Various government taxes and charges payable by tourists, businesses and households. Continuing the fluid analogy, a leakage occurs when money escapes the economy of a region because a local consumer, (household, business or government), has purchased a product from an outside supplier. DIRECT AND SECONDARY ECONOMIC EFFECTS Economists distinguish direct, indirect and induced economic effects. The total economic impact of tourism is the sum of direct, indirect and induced effects within a region. Indirect and induced effects are sometimes collectively called secondary effects. These impacts or effects may be measured in terms of gross output, sales, income, employment, or value added. Although they are often used somewhat loosely by non-economists, these terms have precise definitions that are important when interpreting economic impact study results. Direct effects, are production changes associated with the immediate effects of changes in tourism expenditures. For example, an increase in the number of tourists staying overnight in hotels would directly increase room sales in the hotel sector. The additional hotel sales and associated changes in hotel payments for wages, salaries, taxes, supplies and services are direct effects of the tourist spending. Indirect effects are the production changes resulting from various rounds of re-spending of the tourism industrys receipts in backward-linked industries. For example, industries supplying products and services to hotels). Changes in sales, jobs and income in the linen supply industry, for example, represent indirect effects of changes in hotel sales. Businesses supplying products and services to the linen supply industry represent another round of indirect effects, eventually linking hotels by varying degrees to most other economic sectors in the region. Induced effects are the changes in economic activity resulting from household spending of income earned directly or indirectly as a result of tourism spending. For example, hotel and linen supply employees supported directly or indirectly by tourism, spend their income in the local region for housing, food, transportation, and the usual array of household product and service needs. The sales, income, and jobs that result from household spending of added wage, salary, or proprietors income are induced effects. Total Economic Impact Total Economic Impact = Direct + Secondary Effects = Direct + (Indirect + Induced Effects) A change in tourist spending can affect virtually every sector of the economy by means of indirect and induced effects. The magnitude of these secondary effects is directly related to the propensity of local businesses and households to purchase from local suppliers. Induced effects are easily visible when a large regional plant closes: supporting industries are hurt by the indirect effects, but the entire local economy usually suffers due to the reduction in regional household income. Retail stores may close, thereby increasing leakages as local consumers turn to outside suppliers. Similar but reversed induced effects are observable when there is a significant increase in regional jobs and household income. INPUT-OUTPUT MODELS An input-output (I-O) model is a mathematical model that describes the flows of money between sectors within a regions economy. Flows are predicted based on the inputs that each industry must buy from every other industry to produce a dollars worth of output. I-O models also determine the proportions of sales that go to wage and salary income, proprietors income, and taxes. Multipliers can be estimated from input-output models based on the estimated re-circulation of spending within the region. Exports and imports are determined based on estimates of the propensity of households and firms to purchase goods and services from local sources (often called RPCs or regional purchase coefficients). The more self-sufficient a region is, the fewer the leakages, so that the multipliers are correspondingly higher. Input-output models make a number of basic assumptions: All firms in a given industry employ the same production technology and produce identical products. There are no economies or diseconomies of scale in production or factor substitution. I-O models are essentially linear: double the level of tourism activity/production and you must double all of the inputs. Analysts generally report the impact estimates as if they represent activity within a single year, although the model does not explicitly keep track of time. One must assume that the various model parameters are accurate and represent the current year. I-O models are firmly grounded in the national system of accounts which relies on a standard industrial classification system (SIC codes), and on various federal government economic censuses in which individual firms report sales, wage and salary payments and employment. I-O models are generally at least a few years out-of-date: this is not usually a problem unless the regions economy has changed significantly. An I-O model represents the regions economy at a particular point in time: tourist spending estimates are generally price adjusted to the year of the model. Multiplier computations for induced effects generally assume that jobs created by additional spending are new jobs involving the movement of new households to the area. Induced effects are computed assuming linear changes in household spending with changes in income. Estimates of induced effects are frequently inflated when these assumptions are not accurate, (for example, when new jobs are staffed by existing residents). As induced effects usually comprise the vast majority of secondary effects of tourism, they should be used with caution. Measuring the Economic Impact of Tourism The economic impacts of tourism are typically estimated by some variation of the simple formula: Defining the Economic Impact of Tourism: Economic Impact of Tourism = # of Tourists * Ave. Spending per Visitor * Multiplier Where # of tourists = numbers of tourists and ave. = average Estimate the change in the number and types of tourists to the region that will result from the proposed policy or action: Estimates or projections of tourist activity generally come from a demand model or some system for measuring levels of tourism activity in an area: economic impact estimates rely on good estimates of the number and types of visitors, which come from carefully designed measurements of tourist activity, a good demand model, or good judgment. This step is usually the weakest link in most tourism impact studies, as few regions have accurate counts of tourists, let alone good models for predicting changes in tourism activity or separating local visitors from visitors who originate outside the region. Estimate average levels of spending (often within specific market segments) of tourists in the local area: Spending averages come from sample surveys or are adapted from other studies. Spending estimates must be based on a representative sample of the population of tourists, and should take into account variations across seasons, market segments or types of tourists, and locations within the study area. As spending can vary widely by type of tourist, we recommend estimating average spending for a set of key tourist segments based on samples of at least 50-100 visitors per tourism segment. Segments should be defined to capture differences in spending between local residents vs. tourists, day users vs. overnight visitors, type of accommodation (motel, campground, seasonal home, with friends and relatives), and type of transportation (car, RV, air, rail, etc.). In broadly-based tourism impact studies, it is useful to identify unique spending patterns of important activity segments such as downhill skiers, boaters, or convention business travellers multiplying the number of tourists by the a verage spending per visitor, (making certain that units are consistent), gives an estimate of total tourist spending in the area. Estimates of tourist spending will generally be more accurate if distinct spending profiles and use estimates are made for key tourism segments. The use and spending estimates are the two most important parts of an economic impact assessment. When combined, they capture the amount of money brought into the region by tourists. Please note: multipliers are needed only if one is interested in the secondary effects of tourism spending. Apply the change in spending to a regional economic model or set of multipliers to determine secondary effects: Secondary effects of tourism are estimated using multipliers, or a model of the regions economy. Multipliers generally come from an economic base or input-output model of the regions economy. Often, multipliers are borrowed improperly or adjusted from published multipliers or other studies. Avoid taking a multiplier estimated for one region and applying it in a region with a quite different economic structure. As a general rule, multipliers are higher for larger regions with more diversified economies. A common error is to apply a state-wide multiplier (since these are more widely published) to a local region. This will yield inflated estimates of local multiplier effects. Stynes, D., (1997). Economic impacts of Tourism. pp. 1-19 Urbana, IL:Ã University of Illinois,Ã Cooperative Extension Service bulletin.Ã
Monday, January 20, 2020
Discuss the themes of Virtu and Fortuna in The Prince. Essay -- Englis
Discuss the themes of Virtu and Fortuna in The Prince. Niccolo Machiavelli was born in Florence, Italy on the 3rd May 1469. In 1498, Florence became a republic and Machiavelli gained a position within the Florentine government. After this he was soon confirmed by the great council as the second chancellor of the republic, making him the head of internal affairs. Less than a month later he was elected as secretary to the ten of war, which focussed on foreign and defensive affairs. In November 1498 Machiavelli was sent on his first diplomatic mission and over the years he continued with many more. On his first mission to France to see King Louis XII, which lasted six months, Machiavelli was able to observe the effects of having a single prince ruling a united country. When Machiavelli returned to Florence and he found it to be slowly disintegrating because Cesare Borgia endeavoured to create a principality for himself in Italy and during this time Machiavelli made many visits to him on behalf of the Florentine government to try and negotiate. When Borgia finally retaliated by killing his captains in Sinigaglia, Machiavelli was witness to this and later wrote an account of it. Machiavelli had a lot of admiration for Borgiaââ¬â¢s conduct and believed his qualities would be found in the perfect prince who would eventually unite all the Italian states. Over the next few years Machiavelli maintained his position within the Florentine government and was sent on various missions and given many different roles with increasing amounts of authority over Florence. In 1513 Machiavelli is accused of being involved in an anti-Medici conspiracy with the Medici family being rulers of Florence at the time. Machiavel... ...t rule a principality. And also the book has visions of wanting to unite Italy, which is an idea 350 years ahead of its time. When Machiavelli wrote this book it was write for the time as there were frequent wars and some advice on the art of war was needed. Even though, in many cases, Machiavelliââ¬â¢s the Prince is still relevant today particularly in government, as if you want to succeed and gain power in it, you need to be ruthless and corrupted. Bibliography Machiavelli, N. (2003) The Prince. London: Penguin Group Solomon, R, C., Higgins, K, M., (1996). A short history of Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Skinner, Q. (2000) Machiavelli ââ¬â A very short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. www.constitution.org/mac/prince00/html - another translation of The Prince. ââ¬Å"Machiavelli, Niccoloâ⬠. Microsoft Encarta 99 Encyclopedia.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Failure Analysis Essay
Team D will analyze the organizations Samsung Electronics Company (SEC) and Research In Motion ââ¬â Blackberry (RIM). The study will analyze in depth the success of Samsung and the failure of Blackberry. The paper analyzes how Samsung evolved into one of the largest conglomerates in the world during the past decade the demise of Blackberry and how the company failed. Vision and Mission Statement Samsung Vision Statement, The vision of SAMSUNG Electronics is ââ¬Å"Leading the Digital Convergence Revolutionâ⬠(Samsung, 2013, p. 1). Mission Statement ââ¬Å"To experience the joy of advancing and applying technology for the benefit of the publicâ⬠(Samsung, 2013, p. 1.). Established in 1938, Samsung has gone thru many changes. During its various changes, Samsung continues to modify its mission statement according to its own change and to new developments globally. ââ¬Å"Economic contribution to the nationâ⬠ââ¬Å", Priority to human resourcesâ⬠ââ¬Å" Pursuit of rationalismâ⬠are slogans that represent important moments in Samsungââ¬â¢s history. The organization has grown from a national leader to a worldwide consumer leader. The constant fluctuation in the global economy, competition, and operations, Samsung transformed its mission statement in 1990. According to Samsungââ¬â¢s philosophy, ââ¬Å"We will devote our human resources and technology to create superior products and services, thereby contributing to a better global societyâ⬠(Samsung, 2013, p. 2.). The organizations attitude is a representation of its determination to contribute to the success of people globally. Key factors for Samsung is the dedication, creativity, and talent of its employees. The strong leadership and team support has made endless opportunities for new technology and achieving higher standard of living globally. Leadership at Samsung believe its success is due to its contribution to people worldwide and to the shared prosperity between national boundaries worldwide. This determines how they manage theirà company. The objective for Samsung Electronics is to generate the future with its consumers. SEC can be considered as one of very few companies that ââ¬Å"manage to go beyond mere imitation of global competitors, leverage resources, accelerate the pace of organizational learning and manage to attain seemingly impossible goalsâ⬠( Hamel and Prahalad, 1989). Vision and Mission Statement Blackberry vision statement, ââ¬Å"Blackberry aims to be the premier center for management development excelling in developing managers of tomorrow; strengthening management capabilities and facilitating policy options to meet emerging challengesâ⬠. (Blackberry, 2013, p.1.). Mission statement, ââ¬Å"To develop socially and professionally responsible and proactive managers and leaders with holistic perspectives and competencies.â⬠(Blackberry, 2013, p.1.) In realizing the above vision and mission, RIM focuses on the following strategic areas: In 1994, Blackberry (RIM) was created. The organization is located in Waterloo, Ontario Canada. Other locations include Europe, United States, Mexico, and Asia Pacific. Blackberry lead the design, fabrication, distributor of its wireless solutions for the global cellular communications market. The creation of combined software, services, and support, Blackberry provided solutions for email, cell phone, SMS, MMS, Intranet, and Internet applications ââ¬Å"The beauty of this device was that users could do all of these functions even as they were striding down the sidewalk, far from any desktop computerâ⬠(Kim, 2008). . The organization provided services for Civil Service, local governance, and the private sector. This enabled Blackberry to strengthen and develop into a strong financial, self-supported Institute. The downfall of Blackberry began on January 9, 2007, with the introduction of the iPhone. Apple sold a million iPhones the first week of its release, signaling the era of the smartphone. In a conference call on March 29, 2012 CEO Thorsten Heins stated, ââ¬Å"It is now very clear to me that substantial change is what RIM needs,â⬠(All Thing D, 2012, p. 1.). The CEO is creating something Blackberry has not had for a long time, a vision. . ââ¬Å"We believe that BlackBerry cannot succeed if we try to be everybodyââ¬â¢s darling and all things to all peopleâ⬠, (All Things D, 2012, p. 1.). It might be too late butà the organization will undertake a complete review analysis of the way the company operates. Leadership style, management, organizational structure, and culture Samsung Electronics is a worldwide organization with nearly 160,000 employees and operates in countries worldwide. Samsung is devoted to having a healthy organizational culture. It believes that ethical management is not only a tool for responding to the rapid changes in the global business environment, but also a vehicle for building trust with its various stakeholders, shareholders, customers, partners, employees, and local communities around the world. Samsungââ¬â¢s aim is to become one of the most ethical companies in the world that is respected by its stakeholders, Samsung Electronics continues to train its employees and operate monitoring systems, while practicing fair and transparent corporate management. Samsung has established a good and safe working environment for its personnel, this improves employee morale and productivity and commitment to the organization. Employees respect all workers despite the positions they have. Workers and leaders have a good relationship that allows both side to work together on workers grievances relating to their work environment. The relationships between the workers and leaders are interactive and workers grievances relating to their working environment and other labor related issues work well. Workers at Samsung will respect all workers despite the roles they play. CEO Kwon Oh Hyun is a commanding leader, almost militarist in leading. In South Korea, this style of leadership is very effective; unlike in the United States a commanding leader for a non-military organization would be ineffective. Kwon Oh Hyun is direct, takes tight control, very demanding, disciplined, and demands immediate compliance within the company, from top to bottom. It is difficult to recognize what leadership style is within Blackberry. What has brought Blackberry to its demise is not having a clear vision from its upper executives. Their leaders had no sense of direction to innovate the organization. Blackberry ten years ago was a leader in the cellular business. Customers who owned a blackberry phone felt important, celebrities, Wall Street investment bankers. Today Blackberry is at jeopardy on becoming obsolete. Blackberry made some critical mistakes, which put the organization in jeopardy. The organizationà disregarded the iPhone until it was too late. Prior CEO Lazaridis ââ¬Å"told his employees that no one would buy the iPhone because customers did not want a personal computer on their cell phones.â⬠(Forbes, 2011, p. 2.) Blackberry promoted a culture of unwillingness and closed communication. Upper executives did not want to listen to ideas from below. Additionally, a critical mistake was waiting too long to innovate new products into their product line. Their current product line is a big dinosaur and still look much like their first phones. To further trouble Blackberry, two major outages occurred on April 2007 and again in February 2008, each outage lasted for a few days. Leading Organizational Change Team D would use the Kotterââ¬â¢s Eight Steps Detailed guidance for managing change. First major change is to establish a sense of urgency, in order to create a compelling reason for change. The compelling reason for change is to seek new ways of innovation. Keeping up with the global rapid change in the telecommunications, industry is vital. [Change process theories describe a typical pattern of events that occur from the beginning of a change to the end, and in some cases they describe how earlier changes affect subsequent changes. The theories may identify distinct phases in the process, stages in the reaction of individuals, or effects of repeated changes on people.] (Gary Yukl, 2013, p. 1.) In order to keep Blackberry competitive with the market, the organization must find new products to introduce into the market. Introducing a new lineup of products such as new cell phone models is vital for the company to compete with its competitors. The sense of urgency is creating and updating our products in time to keep up with the competition. The team would create a coalition between upper management to establish the new change for blackberry. The coalition between top executives would facilitate the introduction of the new strategy into our new business plan. A major priority for blackberry and its top executives is to create a clear vision for the upcoming change of the organization. The next hurdle is to widely open up communication barriers and simplify the communication between upper management on down. Blackberry will promote a culture of open communication and willingness for all its employees. The open communication will enable the organization to communicate the vision throughout the company. Good communication will help the organization with employees who resist change. Communication between upper management and employees will help give a clear vision of the change. Inadequate communication will give employees a sense of false information for example believe that change is not feasible, fear of personal failure, loss of status, and economic threat. The CEO will empower other managers to act on the vision by encouraging risk-taking and removing barriers to help solve problems. The new plan will take two years to implement. The action plan will include short-term goals that move blackberry toward the new vision. The change will allow upper management on down to consolidate improvement. All management reassess all changes to include analytical information, the consolidation improvements will allow the organization to make any necessary adjustments in the new programs. All management will have to lead by example and demonstrate the success of the cultural change. The new plan will reinforce the changes by demonstrating the relationship between the new behaviors. The leadership styles will be between transformational and visionary leadership. These leadership styles will inspire the conviction of the new vision and will give blackberry a clear direction to succeed in the new change. Transformational leadership will inspire and develop empowering focus on the new plan. Conclusion During significant change to a companyââ¬â¢s structure and strategies, personnel can experience high levels of stress on the job. Prior to executing the strategies, organizations must empower employees to adopt the role of change and encourage them to take action to solve the problems that stresses them. A large piece of the puzzle is communication between upper management on down. Personnel need to feel that they are empowered during the phase of the change. Although few organizations fully acknowledge their role in helping employees, cope with change. Individual reactions to change your complex and most experts agree that people tend to be uncomfortable with change; employees do not want to depart from their comfort zone.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Child Abuse Causes Physical And Psychological Problems...
Child abuse such as physical, sexual, emotional, and neglect, also considerate as a silent epidemic, is one of the common issues in our society. In the United States, more than 200,000 children have been killed because of abuse by their family members over the past 10 years. Every year the number of children reported as victims of abuse or neglect increased excessively (Petit.) Child abuse can be an intentional or unintentional maltreatment, violation, and exploitation of a child by a person who a child knows well. Most of the time it is caused by parents, family members, and educators at home, school, or a different place where a child is defenseless. Child abuse causes physical and psychological problems within the child. Therefore, bothâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Also, it is a deliberate action on the part of the parents or adult against a child. Emotional abuse can be divided into five different categories rejecting, which consists of refusing to accept a child, terrorizing, w hich is the process of making a child terrorized, ignoring, which is refusing to take notice of a child, insulating, which consists of making a child stay alone, and Corrupting, which can lead to providing drugs and alcohol to a child (Garbario.) Neglect which is practiced mostly by parents has physical and psychological signs. Neglect is the process of not providing the child with the basic needs such as food, water, clothes, and so on. Neglect can be divided into medical, which is the process of not providing a child medical attention, safety, which is the process of not protecting a child in any situation, educational, which is the process of not letting the child go to school, and physical, which is the process of not providing a child the appropriate alimentation (Schmitt.) Over many years, child abuse has been changing tremendously, and one of the worst records in the world belongs to the United States. According to the 2015 Child Maltreatment Report every day five children di e because of abuse. Children who received protection because of abuse has increased nine percent from 2011 to 2015. 683,000 cases of child abuse were reported in 2015, where 75.3 percent of them had beenShow MoreRelatedThe Act Of Child Abuse Essay1376 Words à |à 6 PagesIn todayââ¬â¢s society, child abuse is widespread and has an affect on everyone who comes across it. The act of child abuse happens everyday to a variety of kids who are typically younger and scared to tell anyone. All children are born with the right to be able to develop, grow, live and love according to their needs and feelings. For a child s development they need protection and reassurance from adults who love them and help them acquire the skills to be a successful adult. 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Furthermore, cultural and historical traditions affect the way each society faces this problem. Finally, there are varying opinions as to its definition and classification, as well as the consequences of child abuse may have and its subsequent therapeuticRead MoreDoes Household Structure Cause a Child to Become a Violent Individual?1629 Words à |à 7 Pagesincreasing every year. One out of every two children will live with a single-parent at some time before they reach the age of 18 years old. The United States Census Bureau reported in 2002 that about 20 million children (more than one-fourth of all the children in the United States) lived in a household with only a mother or only a father. The United States has the highest percentage of single-parent families (34 percent in 1998) and is continuing to increase [Feltey]. 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According to the 1985 Elder Abuse Prevention, Identification and Treatment Act, elderly abuse is defined as ââ¬Å"willful infliction of injury, unreasonable confinement, intimidation or cruel punishment withRead MoreEmotional Trauma Within The Family1568 Words à |à 7 PagesEmotional Trauma within the Family Due Date 12/5/11 Emotional Trauma within the Family Parental substance abuse directly affects the emotional well-being of children within the family. It is estimated that one in four children in the United States are exposed to a family memberââ¬â¢s alcohol abuse or dependence, and one in six children lives with a parent who has used illicit drugs in the past year (Journal of Child and Family Social Work). Children exposed to parental substance abuse are at an increasedRead MoreAmerican Psychological Association Defines Traumatic Event989 Words à |à 4 PagesAmerican Psychological Association defines traumatic event ââ¬Å"as one that threatens injury, death or the physical integrity of self or othersâ⬠(American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Childhood trauma is the experience of traumatic event or events which creates a substantial and long term damage to the mental and physical growth and development of a child(National Child Traumatic Stress Network, 2013). National prevalence of childhood trauma indicates trauma is a frequent occurrence in which majorityRead MoreDomestic violence1229 Words à |à 5 PagesDraft ââ¬Å"Every year, in the United States there are over 3 million incidents of reported domestic violence. Every year, 4,000 victims of domestic violence are killed.â⬠(Domestic Violence: Disturbing Facts about Domestic Violence). Domestic violence is a crime that is not just committed in the United States, but worldwide. This crime is committed every day, every hour, every minute, and every second. Anybody can be a victim or the abuser. This can happen to any child, man or woman. This is a horrificRead MoreChild Sexual Abuse Within The United States1417 Words à |à 6 PagesChild Sexual Abuse: Itââ¬â¢s Prevalence and Severity in The United States Today, Americans fail to realize the prevalence and severity of child sexual abuse within the United States. Though crimes of adult rape are of equal importance, the sexual victimization of children, ages seventeen and under, accounted for nearly 70% of all reported sexual assault cases in 2015. To further the issue, arrests were made in only 29% of these child sexual abuse cases; this means that for every ten sexual abuse cases
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